drush features-revertfor drush 7x

Revert a feature module on your site.

drush features-revert

features-revert is a Drush command from the features project.

  • Aliases

    features-revert has 1 alias/es:

    drush fr

  • Arguments

    features-revert accepts 1 argument/s:

    feature : A space delimited list of features or feature.component pairs.

  • Options

    features-revert accepts 1 option/s:

    --force : Force revert even if Features assumes components' state are default.

  • Examples

    Revert node and taxonomy components of feature "foo", but only if they are overriden. Revert all overriden components of feature "bar".

    drush fr foo.node foo.taxonomy bar

    Revert node and taxonomy components of feature "foo". Revert all components of feature "bar".

    drush fr foo.node foo.taxonomy bar --force

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