drush drush-cook-recipesfor drush 8x

"cook" up a drush recipe

drush drush-cook-recipes

drush-cook-recipes is a Drush command from the drush_recipes project.

  • Aliases

    drush-cook-recipes has 2 alias/es:

    drush cook

    drush c

  • Arguments

    drush-cook-recipes accepts 1 argument/s:

    recipes : List of recipes to run, in order and comma separated

  • Options

    drush-cook-recipes accepts 5 option/s:

    --dr-locations : User defined list of other locations to load in from

    --simple-uncook : Allow for a simple recipe reversal, like swapping enables for disables; good for lazy devs with simple recipes.

    --dr-skip-checks : Allow user to skip dependency checks, useful for debugging calls.

    --skip-confirm : Allow user to skip confirmation of recipes running. Still will print the list, just immediately runs them. Useful when integrated into other interactive prompts.

    --verbose : Be verbose with output, provide more information.

  • Examples

    Run the dr_security recipe

    drush drush-cook-recipes dr_security

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